White Chocolate Brownie

This is my girls favourite home cooked treat at the moment. The most important word in that first sentence however is ‘treat’. This isn’t everyday food like Neverland Chocolate Biscuits this is a great alternative to a store brought processed treat. It’s super easy and quick to make, though most importantly every ingredient is something you are familiar with and it doesn’t read like a chemistry assignment or need the use of google to decipher. 

I must confess however while the girls are busy learning at school mummy generally over consumes these little treats, for the general well being of my girls of course LOL….


160g Rapadura Sugar 

100g Organic non Salted Butter

150g Organic White chocolate

10 Dates 

200g Emmer Wheat

1/4 tsp Bi carb soda

2 tsp Baking powder

2 Organic Eggs

100g Organic White Chocolate – optional

100g Macadamia nuts – optional

Instructions – Thermomix

Preheat the oven to 150oc

Add sugar to bowl 40 sec’s, Speed 9. Set aside

Add flour to the bowl 20 sec’s, speed 9. Set aside

If using additional chocolate, add to bowl for 10 sec’s speed 8. Set aside.

If using nuts, add to bowl for 5 sec’s speed 4 or 5 depending on desired texture.

Place 150g White chocolate and dates into the mixing bowl. 10 sec’s speed 8. Add butter melt at 60 degrees for 3 minutes speed 2.

Add sugar, mix 30 sec’s, speed 2. Add eggs, mix 30 sec’s, speed 2.

Add Flour set aside and Bi carb and baking powder mix 30 seconds, speed 4.

If adding extra chocolate and nuts add here. Mix on reverse for 10 sec’s, speed 3.

Add butterfly, speed 4 for 30 seconds.

Add a small splash of warm water, mix again speed 4 15 seconds, so when you hold up the butterfly the mixture falls to the bowl, you don’t want the mixture too thick or too runny.

Pour into a greaseproof paper lined tray and cook for 15 – 20mins.  Remove from the oven and allow the brownie to set for an additional 15 minutes then enjoy with your little ones or friends…..

I must confess we also love licking the bowl and utensils clean….



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