Let the Ingredients be your inspiration…

It’s simple real ingredients that make healthy & delicious meals it’s a little more effort but I promise you your body and whoever’s body you are feeding will thank-you in the long-term. The key to stress free cooking is limiting your options I personally find once I’ve made the decision what to cook the process is a lot less frantic. Too many options can overwhelm us, fill your fridge with fresh produce – fruit, vegetables and protein rich foods (fish, meat and legumes) and your pantry with your carbs and 1 ingredient packaged foods (2 as long as both are real foods).  If you’re using real fresh ingredients you can create easy quick meals with loads of flavour, as the title suggests ‘Let the ingredients be your inspiration’.  Continue reading

White Chocolate Brownie

This is my girls favourite home cooked treat at the moment. The most important word in that first sentence however is ‘treat’. This isn’t everyday food like Neverland Chocolate Biscuits this is a great alternative to a store brought processed treat. It’s super easy and quick to make, though most importantly every ingredient is something you are familiar with and it doesn’t read like a chemistry assignment or need the use of google to decipher.  Continue reading

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