Neverland Banana Bread

I don’t know about you but I absolutely love a good banana bread. I’ve been playing with a few different recipes for a while and this is our current go to in ‘Our Neverland Kitchen’.



200g Emmer Wheat Flour 

40g Rapadura Sugar

150g pitted dates

75g butter, cubed

4 ripe bananas, peeled

3 Organic eggs, whisked

2tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp bicarbonate soda


Preheat oven to fan 150ºc and line a loaf tin with baking paper set aside.

Place Rapadura sugar into mixing bowl 40 sec/speed 9 set aside.

Place Emmer wheat flour into mixing bowl 20 sec/speed 9 set aside.

Place dates into the mixing bowl 3-6sec/speed 7.

Add butter, sugar and 75ml of boiling water. Using the soft setting speed give the ingredients a little stir and then leave to soak and melt for 5 minutes.

Add banana chunks ( 3 bananas) and eggs and mix 10 sec/speed 4.

Add all remaining ingredients, 20 sec/speed 4. Then insert butterfly, repeat combine 20 sec/speed 4.

Pour the batter into the loaf tin. Chop remaining banana add to mixture and ensure the mixture covers them. Bake for 1 hour in the oven, or until an inserted skewer comes out clean (check at the 30 min mark and cover with foil for the first 30 mins to reduce the top burning ).

Allow to cool in tin for 30 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack and cutting up.

Serve warm with butter or allow to cool completely, then place into an airtight container and toast when needed. Its delicious both fresh and toasted.

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