Neverland Kitchen Kids Mini Quiche’s

Its Sunday night here in our ‘Neverland Kitchen’,which means school lunches tomorrow. I first cooked these about a month ago under the guidance of my friend Kelly at her house and boy was it simple. Sometimes you need someone to physically show you how easy something is to actually believe them 😀.

So tonight while my husband cooked dinner I put these together in about 10 mins. The best thing is I have created not only ‘ONE’ healthy nutritious lunch for my girls but a few 🎉🎉 roll on stress free mornings. The great thing about these mini quiches are that you can go as simple (plain cheese) or creative as you like feta, sweet potato, pumpkin to name just a few different ingredients. My girls love them I hope your kids do too. Check out Millie and her friend Mila helping me in Mila’s Neverland Kitchen❤️




About 375g – All Butter Puff pastry ( I use the Careme brand as it’s ingredients are Flour,Butter,Cream(milk), water, salt and vinegar Only)).

About one tablespoon of olive oil

4 rashes of bacon – I like to use nitrate free from

1 small onion

1 cup of grated cheese

4 organic eggs

1/2 cup of full fat organic milk

1 handful of mini tomatoes – I get mine from


Preheat the oven to 180oc and using a paper towel dip it into your oil olive and line your muffin tins.

Finely chop your onion (3 sec’s, speed 7) and bacon (3 sec’s speed 4) either by hand or using a Thermomix.

Fry your bacon and onion using olive oil till cooked, set aside.

Cut out circles using a large cookie cutter, enough for about 14 quiche’s, place in muffin tins.

Spoon about a teaspoon of bacon and onion mixture into each pastry case.

Sprinkle in cheese

Whisk eggs and milk together and pour into pastry cases.

Top with any leftover bacon and onion and cheese.

Cut up your mini tomtatoes into quarters and add to each quiche.

Bake for 15-20 minutes till browned

Store in the fridge for 1 to 2 days or the freezer for later use








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