Monthly Archives: October 2016

Tip’s that keep our Neverland Kitchen a happy place…

I’m a mum of two beautiful girls as many of you know and since taking on that role food and it’s nutritional values have become something I want to stay educated on to ensure i’m making the right food choices for my family. Neverland kitchen’s mission is to not only get adults back into the kitchen but get them cooking with their kids as I want this next generation to know real food and be able to cook with it. I’ve compiled a list to help establish positive eating habits and inspire your families journey on the road to health and positive eating habits for the rest of their lives. This list is by no means conclusive but it does give you an insight into what I do or at least try to do for the good and health of my family. In no particular order, actually the order off the top of my head, my tips for change not a mutiny LOL….
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You won’t know the benefits of change unless you change….

On my journey to learning about food and how eating certain foods is and will affect mine and my families health i’ve read books, attended talks and joined groups with  people that are also on the same journey. It’s a minefield of contradictions a little like when you have your first child and every man and their dog has another great way of advising you what to do. You take it all in and implement the strategies that work for yourself and your family and live to see another day a little bit more educated and a lot more confused!!

I have currently joined a group called Small steps to Whole Foods run by Lisa Corduff. It consists of lots of individuals at varying stages of their journey’s looking at ways to make themselves and their families healthier. I would recommend it as a great source of information and a forum to ask questions and get advice. At the end of the day were all different but no matter what choices we make we all want the best for our families. Education is then key to ensure this happens.

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Sourdough Starter and Sourdough Bread

I can’t believe I never did this earlier, I didn’t have a bread maker, correct mat, know how to knead etc etc… There was numerous reasons it simply went in the too hard basket. It’s only by chance on my continuous educational journey that I came across this bread that uses a natural fermentation process. It is fermented with wild yeast in the air instead of the packaged yeast you can buy from the shops. The step step to making your Sourdough bread is creating your Sourdough starter, sounds difficult…that couldn’t be further from the truth.

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